Who We Are
Legal Marketing Concepts (LMC)

Who We Are
Legal Marketing Concepts was founded and is led by industry veteran, Ethan Heck. Mr. Heck has been involved in class action and multidistrict (MDL) information campaigns, marketing and client retention for more than a decade. His passion for building mass torts has been instrumental in the creation of the Mirena – Psuedotumor Cerebri (MDL #2767), Truvada (JCCP #5043), and Bard PowerPort (MDL #3081), with three new current litigation projects underway.

Bard PowerPort MDL
With respect to the Bard PowerPort MDL, Ethan spent more than a year reading peer-reviewed research, compiling, and providing quantitative and qualitative analysis on more than 20,000 MDR’s and DEN’s (from the now defunct Alternative Summary Reporting Program) to provide the foundation for the science that now supports this litigation. He then spent the following year working with co-lead counsel, Adam Evans, recruiting friends from some of the top firms in the nation to work together on the Plaintiff Steering Committee.

Our Values
As a man of devout faith, his morals and Christian principles are the foundation of how the company operates. His grandfather, a very successful entrepreneur, and personal hero to Mr. Heck whose father passed away at a young age, conveyed a business mantra to Ethan shortly before his passing. “If you always do the right thing by your clients and employees, you’ll never have to worry about business because it will always take care of itself.” Mr. Heck and LMC are guided by this insight in our business practices everyday.

The integrity of any business is paramount. At Legal Marketing Concepts, we feel so strongly about this that our company motto,
“The Apogee of Integrity,” is emblazoned on our company logo.

The integrity of any business is paramount. At Legal Marketing Concepts, we feel so strongly about this that our company motto,
“The Apogee of Integrity,” is emblazoned on our company logo.

Legal Marketing Concepts
3909 S. Maryland Pkwy #305
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Office: (702) 747-4387